Company recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by visitors of this Website. We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate its commitment to user’s privacy.
Our website would follow accepted standards of security and confidentiality of customer data as practiced on the internet.
Except where the users / Members are explicitly informed we do not sell, rent, share, trade or give away any of the user’s personal information to third parties without previous consent of the user concerned. Information of a general nature may however be revealed to external parties. The information will be used only for promotional use and cross sell purposes. Every effort will be made to keep the information provided by users in a safe manner, the information will be shown only after obtaining consent from the users/members.
The user agrees that we may use personal information about the user:
These uses improve the Site and better tailor it to meet the user needs, so as to provide the user with a smooth, efficient, safe and customized experience while using the Site. We also use it to gather broad demographic information about our visitors in general. This information does not contain anything that can identify visitors personally.
The user agrees that we may use his/ her /it personal information to contact him/her and deliver information to him/her/ that, in some cases, are targeted to his/ her /its interests, such as targeted banner advertisements, administrative notices, product offerings, and communications relevant to his/ her/its use of the Site. By accepting the User Agreement and Privacy Policy, he/she/it expressly agrees to receive this information. If he/she/ do not wish to receive these communications, we offers Him/her to opt out of the receipt of certain communications in his/her profile. It is the belief by us that privacy of a person can be best guaranteed by working in conjunction with the Law enforcement authorities.
The Company shall not be responsible for any technical failure or malfunctioning of the software/ hardware or delays of any kind.